Monday, March 21, 2016

Broken Bones and More

What a busy past two weeks we have had.  The kids finished up their basketball seasons last Saturday.  Kaila's team came so CLOSE to finally winning a game but still came up short by one basket.  It was so sad.  They were easily the most improved team that we played against so that was great to see.  She decided to stick with it and not play volleyball this next season so it will be exciting to see how much growth she will make now that she knows what she's doing to start the season!  

Addie tried out for the team at gymnastics and MADE it!!!  I'm so proud of her.  The big thing now is figuring out if we can afford it.  Kevin's been working so much this year that if he kept up the pace it would be fine.  The problem is that it can stop at any moment which if has.  He lost two jobs this month because they went with different companies and so he hasn't had any work this month.  It's been rough!  It was really hard on him to see $15,000 walk away.  Me too though it has been nice to have him home for a bit and to see the kids more.

Rowan fell off the couch last Saturday evening.  He acted like he hurt himself.  Kevin checked him out when he got home but he seemed okay. We were keeping out eye on him.  It was so weird.  It would act like he was fine, using his arm to play with and picking up things, but at other times acted like he was hurt, when changing his shirt or helping to open the microwave door.  He was crying a lot when Kevin took him Monday over to his parents house on a walk and we was going to take him to the doctor but I had taken the car to my book club. Then the rest of that day he seemed fine.  He had his Speech appointment that next morning (Tuesday) and seemed fine too.  Kevin and I were talking about it after his therapist left and I said to him, "He wouldn't keep using his arm if it were broken would he?"  To which Kevin responded, "I ran on a broken foot for 3 months." I then told him about him acting like his arm was hurt the night before when I was changing him and we both agreed to pay the money and have him looked at.  

Sure enough it was broken.  I was so glad Kevin took him in so I didn't have deal with the X-rays.  They are so tough to do with kids in pain.  They then made a splint for him and it took three people holding him down to do it and him wrapped up in a blanket.  The poor boy was miserable and wanted it off!!  They had to wrap it in tape so he couldn't take it off.  I was up reading at the school in Glenn's classroom and when I got home after picking up Addie he came running up to me asking "in his own babble" if I would take of the splint.  When I told him he had to keep it on I could tell he was not happy to hear that!  Thankfully he left it alone and stopped trying to take it off.  We were going to hear back from the orthopedic doctor about a full arm cast that day or the next.  Thankfully they got us in the next morning and we were blessed to find out he only needed to have a splint on his arm that was removable so he could still bathe!!!  YEAH for God's mercies. 

Glenn has exploded in reading now.  He is reading chapter books at school and just finished his first one that was 65 pages.  His class earned a "compliment party" and they choose to wear their pj's to school and read!  His teacher loved that the kids in 1st grade wanted to have a reading party!!!  Glenn was really excited about it too.  He's also gotten super good at drawing!  I'll have to take some pics and send them to you soon so you can see.  He created a book, "Why the pigeon needs a check-up."  The illustrations in his book look so professional I was in shock.  Yeah for Glenn!!!  He's doing so much better and is loving life.  He's obsessed with playing basketball none stop!!!  He got a little indoor hoop and ball for his birthday and he plays with it subconsciously all the time.  He never stops.  We have to put the ball up to get him to listen to us half the time. 

Both Kaila and Glenn start a Timber's Soccer Camp this week for Spring Break.  They are so excited.  I'm excited for them.  they get to be down on the field where the Timber's play and they even get a picture with the National Trophy that the Timbers WON!!!  I'm jealous.  I haven't even seen the cup and they get pictures with it.  I'm so happy for them.  I'm not happy about the early morning start time though since we have to be in Portland for them to start everyday at 8:30 which is earlier than their school start time.  There's no sleeping in this Spring will be worth it though for them to have this neat experience.

Sadly this week my dear friend, the mother of Kaila's friend Betsy, and our kids primary chorister past away this week (March 16th) after a tough year battling Cancer. It's the first funeral that the kids have ever attended that they really knew who had died.  It was really sad.  Addie kept saying that she wish Sister Hanset could come back.  I do too.  She was such a wonderful lady that was always smiling and truly LOVED those children.  She loved her calling and I'm glad that God took my voice away from me so that she would be able to do what she loves one more time on this earth before passing away.  My heart truly aches for her dear husband and sweet 7 children.  The three youngest are still at home and I hope they will still feel of her presence on this earth. It's not so hard right now for them with so many family members in town but this next week as they all return home and the house quiets down it will be so hard for them.  Especially as mother's day and their mother's birthday approach in May.  She was just 51.  So so sad!

Please pray for the Hanset family, Kevin to get more work, and for Rowan's arm to heal properly so it won't need a full cast at the end of his 3 weeks if you can remember. Thanks!!

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