Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 16, 2009

(We couldn't get two fingers on one hand to stay up so we resorted to one on each hand)
My sweet TWO year old!

My Blue Eyed Boy!
Today DD was testing the waters at a 2 year-old. She was extra grumpy and crabby and threw a fit with DH about holding her hand in the parking lot---so, no haircut for her. She screamed the whole way home (15 minutes in the car) that ended with her in time out. She had an early lunch and went down for nap early too. She was also testing out the word "no" today too. She generally doesn't say no but not today. She was much better after her nap. We were able to have fun at the park and soak up some Vitamin D. LM loved the park and went in the swing for the first time. He was so little.

We have noticed how quiet LM is compared to DD. Here's a video of him sucking on his fingers.

DH had a hard time being home with the kids over the weekend during his last job. He said he didn't have a restful weekend but I said yes you did. He said no the kids didn't allow that. I told him he at least got to rest his brain but he said that doesn't bother him. The kids WORE him out. It was too funny since I deal with that everyday!

DD went and got her "computer" to be just like Daddy and made Daddy get on his computer so they could be twins. Pretty cute! She LOVED it...or maybe the control factor.

DD went for her 2-year check up at the doctors. Thankfully she didn't have any shots! She's up to date so it was a pleasant experience other than her screaming about not wanting to be weighed (had to put her on the "big person scale" since she was screaming) and the scream fest on the drive home. She's becoming such a big girl and doing great!

DD is now:
Height: 2' 10" (34 in) (56%)
Weight: 26 lb 7 oz (48%)
Head: 19.49" (93%) She's like her daddy with a big head to hold all those brain cells. ;)

She's been in a lot better mood today so I hope she keeps it up. Her two gums in the back are swollen a little so her 2 year-old molars will be appearing soon. DH said he felt something sharp on the top gum on LM. Looks like a tooth is coming in soon. All his gnawing and drool has to be for something not to mention his crankiness. My SIL is sending me some essential oil that is suppose to work wonders for teething pain. Her daughter that's 4 months younger than DD LOVES it. She put it in the mail today. I can't wait to give it a try.

I was able to get to read my book and a two hour nap! It was heaven. LM slept 7.5 hours after being put down for bed last night too before waking up for a feeding. I think he's finally getting back to his long sleeping schedule. I'm so grateful too so I can get more sleep too!

My SIL's sister was finally found today. I don't think I mentioned it before but she took off to go camping at Zion's National Park and never returned. She has a 5 year-old and everyone was concerned after a week of no contact. We've been praying for her safety ever since. I guess she went to New Mexico and was staying with a friend. She doesn't want to come home yet and says she's an adult and can do what she wants. I know this is heart breaking for her family but I'm sure they are relieved like I am that she's safe! We will continue to pray for her.

LM decide to perform for us on camera and rolled lots last night. The other two videos I got were great with him rolling really fast but I filmed them too long. Here's one of him in slow motion but he still does it! Yeah for one more milestone down.

LM rolling over again after a break since he was 9 weeks old

So...I got interrupted because my little guy woke up. I jinxed myself by writing that he slept so long last night in a row. I think it may have been his teeth and then he woke up so much and realized he was hungry too. I gave him teeth stuff which helped but he was still fussy so I fed him and now he's out again. If he takes his 7.5 hr stretch now that would be awesome but I'm sure he will be up in the next 4 hours to eat again. Lovely night ahead.

LM loves to "beat Box" so we tried to get a video of it...once the camera is rolling he like to smile or talk. This one is still cute of him talking.

1 comment:

Liz Autry said...

Those are some cute pics with the pigtails! So, do you want a quilt for LM?