Friday, September 11, 2015

Suzi Update

Hi, Everyone. 
Haven't sent out one of these for quite a while.  Everything has been unchanged for quite a while.  She has her injection; has several days of feeling rough; and, then she has several days of feeling pretty good, except for the the feeling of extreme fatigue.  Then, its time to go back for another injection and the cycle repeats.
Unfortunately, the last two blood tests have shown a gradual increase in the cancer signs levels (light chains).  Her oncologists are waiting for the next reading, which they should have in the next few days.  If the signs are still rising, they will have to decide whether the dosage will have to be changed or the type of drugs.
Suzi has really appreciated all of your prayers in the past and would really appreciate them now on her behalf.  She is really hoping not to have to go on any kind of more rigorous regimen.
Thanks again for all of your support and we know that the prayers and thoughts of so many of you continue on her behalf.

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